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Florida Development Neighborhood: Educational Attainment
Data Tables: People & Household Characteristics, Housing & Housing Costs, Income & Poverty, Transportation, Employment, Educational Attainment, Immigration & Language, Disabilities, Neighborhood Characteristics
Educational attainment
Definitions and source links |
Level of schooling (2000) |
Florida Development |
Orleans Parish |
Louisiana |
States |
Total population 18 years and over |
721 |
355,507 |
3,250,523 |
209,279,149 |
Less than 9th grade |
9.7% |
7.2% |
8.4% |
7.1% |
9th to 12th grade, no diploma |
55.8% |
18.2% |
17.2% |
13.2% |
High school diploma or GED |
26.9% |
24.0% |
32.0% |
28.6% |
Some college or Associate degree |
7.6% |
27.5% |
25.6% |
28.8% |
Bachelor's degree to higher |
0.0% |
23.1% |
16.8% |
22.3% |
Teens without high school diplomas (2000) |
Florida Development |
Orleans Parish |
Louisiana |
States |
Total population 16-19 |
117 |
30,841 |
289,111 |
15,930,458 |
% not enrolled in school and not a high school graduate |
27.4% |
10.2% |
11.7% |
9.8% |
Source Citation: U.S. Census Bureau. Census 2000 Sample Characteristics (SF3). From a compilation by the GNO Community Data Center. <http://www.gnocdc.org>
Enrollment in school
Definitions and source links |
Public vs. private enrollment K-12 (2000) |
Florida Development |
Orleans Parish |
Louisiana |
States |
Total population enrolled in grades K-12 |
649 |
99,998 |
923,702 |
54,192,083 |
Enrolled in public school (Preschool-12th grade) |
97.7% |
81.9% |
83.1% |
89.3% |
Enrolled in private school (Preschool-12th grade) |
2.3% |
18.1% |
16.9% |
10.7% |
Public vs. private enrollment by grad (2000) |
Florida Development |
Orleans Parish |
Louisiana |
States |
Total population enrolled in Kindergarten |
52 |
6,947 |
69,264 |
4,157,491 |
Kindergarteners enrolled in public school (%) |
80.8% |
81.0% |
80.2% |
85.1% |
Kindergarteners enrolled in private school (%) |
19.2% |
19.0% |
19.8% |
14.9% |
Total population enrolled in grades 1-4 |
306 |
31,381 |
284,465 |
16,943,832 |
1st-4th graders enrolled in public school (%) |
100.0% |
82.8% |
82.7% |
88.6% |
1st-4th graders enrolled in private school (%) |
0.0% |
17.2% |
17.3% |
11.4% |
Total population enrolled in grades 5-8 |
151 |
30,791 |
287,083 |
16,709,809 |
5th-8th graders enrolled in public school (%) |
96.7% |
80.3% |
82.9% |
89.6% |
5th-8th graders enrolled in private school (%) |
3.3% |
19.7% |
17.1% |
10.4% |
Total population enrolled in grades 9-12 |
140 |
30,879 |
282,890 |
16,380,951 |
9th-12th graders enrolled in public school (%) |
100.0% |
82.7% |
84.5% |
90.6% |
9th-12th graders enrolled in private school (%) |
0.0% |
17.3% |
15.5% |
9.4% |
College enrollment (2000) |
Florida Development |
Orleans Parish |
Louisiana |
States |
Total population 18 years and over |
721 |
355,507 |
3,250,523 |
209,279,149 |
Enrolled in college, undergraduate years |
3.3% |
8.5% |
6.7% |
6.9% |
Enrolled in graduate or professional school |
0.0% |
2.6% |
1.3% |
1.5% |
Not enrolled in school |
96.7% |
88.9% |
92.0% |
91.6% |
Source Citation: U.S. Census Bureau. Census 2000 Sample Characteristics (SF3). From a compilation by the GNO Community Data Center. <http://www.gnocdc.org>
Note: This data is from the 2000 Census, so student populations will be different depending on the current year and the rates of student advancement. |
Download this pre-Katrina data for all 73 neighborhoods in Orleans Parish.
Data Tables: People & Household Characteristics, Housing & Housing Costs, Income & Poverty, Transportation, Employment, Educational Attainment, Immigration & Language, Disabilities, Neighborhood Characteristics
Home Pre Katrina Home Orleans Parish Bywater District Florida Development Data Tables

The Community Data Center website is a product of Greater New Orleans Nonprofit Knowledge Works. Copyright © 2000-2. All Rights Reserved.
Last modified:
July 25, 2006