Home Pre Katrina Home Orleans Parish Bywater District Florida Development Data Tables
This information is pre-Katrina.
Although the information on this page is out-of-date, we are continuing to make it available, as it provides insight about this neighborhood pre-Katrina. You may find outdated information and broken links.
For current data about New Orleans and its neighborhoods, visit our homepage. |
Florida Development Neighborhood: Neighborhood Characteristics
Data Tables: People & Household Characteristics, Housing & Housing Costs, Income & Poverty, Transportation, Employment, Educational Attainment, Immigration & Language, Disabilities, Neighborhood Characteristics
Definitions and source links |
Urban & rural (2000) |
Florida Development |
Orleans Parish |
Louisiana |
States |
Total population |
1,559 |
484,674 |
4,468,976 |
281,421,906 |
Urban |
100.0% |
99.3% |
72.6% |
79.0% |
Rural (farm) |
0.0% |
0.0% |
0.7% |
1.1% |
Rural (not a farm) |
0.0% |
0.7% |
26.7% |
19.9% |
Source Citation: U.S. Census Bureau. Census 2000 Sample Characteristics (SF3). From a compilation by the GNO Community Data Center. <http://www.gnocdc.org>
Definitions and source links |
New Orleanians & Newcomers (2000) |
Florida Development |
Orleans Parish |
Louisiana |
States |
Total population 5 years and over living in the Greater New Orleans (GNO) area in 2000 |
1,349 |
451,739 |
3,132,804 |
210,418,424 |
Lived in same house in 1995 |
62.0% |
56.8% |
58.1% |
53.0% |
Lived in different house in the GNO area in 1995 |
37.6% |
32.6% |
- |
- |
Lived outside the GNO area in 1995 |
0.4% |
10.6% |
- |
- |
Source Citation: U.S. Census Bureau. Census 2000 Sample Characteristics (SF3). From a compilation by the GNO Community Data Center. <http://www.gnocdc.org>
Note: - = not applicable |
Download this pre-Katrina data for all 73 neighborhoods in Orleans Parish.
Data Tables: People & Household Characteristics, Housing & Housing Costs, Income & Poverty, Transportation, Employment, Educational Attainment, Immigration & Language, Disabilities, Neighborhood Characteristics
Home Pre Katrina Home Orleans Parish Bywater District Florida Development Data Tables

The Community Data Center website is a product of Greater New Orleans Nonprofit Knowledge Works. Copyright © 2000-2. All Rights Reserved.
Last modified:
July 26, 2006