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Pontchartrain Park Neighborhood: Housing & Housing Costs

Data Tables: People & Household CharacteristicsHousing & Housing Costs, Income & Poverty, Transportation, Employment, Educational Attainment, Immigration & Language, Disabilities, Neighborhood Characteristics

Housing characteristics

Definitions and source links

Occupancy status (2000)
 Pontchartrain Park
 Orleans Parish
Total housing units (full count)
  Occupied housing units
  Vacant housing units
Renters and owners (2000)
 Pontchartrain Park
 Orleans Parish
Total occupied housing units
  Owner occupied
  Renter occupied

Source Citation: U.S. Census Bureau. Census 2000 Full-count Characteristics (SF1). From a compilation by the GNO Community Data Center. <>

Definitions and source links

Housing age (2000)
 Pontchartrain Park
 Orleans Parish
Total housing units (sample count)
  Built 1999 to March 2000
  Built 1995 to 1998
  Built 1990 to 1994
  Built 1980 to 1989
  Built 1970 to 1979
  Built 1960 to 1969
  Built 1950 to 1959
  Built 1949 or earlier

Source Citation: U.S. Census Bureau. Census 2000 Sample Characteristics (SF3). From a compilation by the GNO Community Data Center. <>

Occupancy turnover

Definitions and source links

Length of residency (2000)
 Pontchartrain Park
 Orleans Parish
Total occupied housing units
  Moved in 1999 to March 2000
  Moved in 1995 to 1998
  Moved in 1990 to 1994
  Moved in 1989 or earlier

Source Citation: U.S. Census Bureau. Census 2000 Sample Characteristics (SF3). From a compilation by the GNO Community Data Center. <>

Housing costs

From this point, a s you scroll down the page, you'll notice that the numbers get more interesting as we look at the relationship between income and housing costs.

We've mixed in tips on understanding some of the subtle differences between terms used to describe housing costs and affordability and, as always, have included links to the technical definition for each term.

What's the difference between contract rent and gross rent? Contract rent is the monthly rent agreed to (for example, the "rent" amount one finds advertised in the Classifieds), while gross rent is the contract rent plus the estimated monthly costs of utilities (electricity, gas, water, sewer and fuels) whether they are paid for by the owner or the renter. Using gross rent helps to understand the total housing costs and eliminates the effect of the different payment arrangements such as water or electricity included in rent.

Definitions and source links
Average rental costs (2000)
 Pontchartrain Park
 Orleans Parish
Total renter-occupied housing units paying cash rent
  Average contract rent
  Average gross rent

Source Citation: U.S. Census Bureau. Census 2000 Sample Characteristics (SF3). From a compilation by the GNO Community Data Center. <>

How can you compare rental to home ownership costs? If you use gross rent, it can be compared to selected monthly owner costs to understand the total costs of housing for renters and owners in a given area.

Definitions and source links

Owner costs with mortgage (2000)
 Pontchartrain Park
 Orleans Parish
Total owner-occupied housing units with a mortgage
Owner-occupied housing units (with a mortgage) paying selected owner costs of...  
  ...less than $200
  ...$3,000 or more
Cost of gross rent (2000)
 Pontchartrain Park
 Orleans Parish
Total renter-occupied housing units paying cash rent
Renter-occupied housing units (that pay cash rent) paying gross rent of...  
  ...less than $100
  ...$1000 or more
Owner costs with mortgage as a percent of household income (2000)
 Pontchartrain Park
 Orleans Parish
Total owner-occupied housing units with a mortgage
Owner-occupied housing units with a mortgage paying selected owner costs...
  ...less than 10% of household income
  ...10-14% of household income
  ...15-19% of household income
  ...20-24% of household income
  ...25-29% of household income
  ...30-34% of household income
  ...35-39% of household income
  ...40-49% of household income
  ...50% or more of household income
  9.1% which percentage of income was not computed
Gross rent as a percent of household income (2000)
 Pontchartrain Park
 Orleans Parish
Total specified renter-occupied housing units
Renter-occupied housing units paying gross rent...
  ...less than 10% of household income
  ...10-14% of household income
  ...15-19% of household income
  ...20-24% of household income
  ...25-29% of household income
  ...30-34% of household income
  ...35-39% of household income
  ...40-49% of household income
  ...50% or more of household income
  17.8% which percentage of income was not computed

Source Citation: U.S. Census Bureau. Census 2000 Sample Characteristics (SF3). From a compilation by the GNO Community Data Center. <>

Housing affordability

How much house can a person afford? Census data can be used to determine how many households might be struggling to meet the costs associated with housing. There is no "magic number" to determine whether housing is affordable or not. According to conventional mortgage underwriting guidelines, the maximum amount of gross income that can be used for mortgage payments alone is 28%; the total for all debt payments including projected mortgage payments is 36%. The 28% threshold does not include other housing costs such as homeowner's insurance, taxes and utilities, and the 36% number includes non-housing costs such as credit card debt and car payments.

With this in mind, we aimed for a threshold in between those two. The closest number published by the Census is whether households are paying 30% or more of income on housing.

Definitions and source links

Housing affordability (2000)
 Pontchartrain Park
 Orleans Parish
Owner or renter occupied housing units
  Paying selected owner costs (if owning) or gross rent (if renting) of 30% or more of household income
  Paying selected owner costs (if owning) or gross rent (if renting) of less than 30% of household income
  Percentage of income was not computed
Housing affordability by income level (2000)
 Pontchartrain Park
 Orleans Parish
Households where 30% or more of household income is spent on selected owner costs (if owning) or gross rent (if renting)
  Making less than $10,000
  Making $10,000-19,999
  Making $20,000-34,999
  Making $35,000-49,999
  Making $50,000-74,999
  Making over $75,000
Housing affordability by owner/renter status (2000)
 Pontchartrain Park
 Orleans Parish
Households where 30% or more of household income is spent on selected owner costs (if owning) or gross rent (if renting)
  Owner occupied
  Renter occupied
Source Citation: U.S. Census Bureau. Census 2000 Sample Characteristics (SF3). From a compilation by the GNO Community Data Center. <>

Download this pre-Katrina data for all 73 neighborhoods in Orleans Parish.

Data Tables: People & Household CharacteristicsHousing & Housing Costs, Income & Poverty, Transportation, Employment, Educational Attainment, Immigration & Language, Disabilities, Neighborhood Characteristics

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Last modified: July 25, 2006