Home Pre Katrina Home Orleans Parish Mid-City District Gert Town Data Tables
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Gert Town Neighborhood: Disabilities
Data Tables: People & Household Characteristics, Housing & Housing Costs, Income & Poverty, Transportation, Employment, Educational Attainment, Immigration & Language, Disabilities, Neighborhood Characteristics
The numbers on this page come from the U.S. Census. We've interspersed commentary throughout the page to explain terms that can sometimes be misleading and to give you some ideas on how to use this data.
Who determines what counts as a disability? Each person who filled out a Census form determined their own disability status; disabilities were not determined by a healthcare professional. Visit the definitions, or click on the term in the data table to learn more about what each type of disability includes.
Definitions and source links |
People reporting disabilities (2000) |
Gert Town |
Orleans Parish |
Louisiana |
States |
Total civilian noninstitutionalized population 5 years and over |
4,173 |
440,111 |
4,045,963 |
257,167,527 |
With a disability |
24.0% |
23.2% |
21.8% |
19.3% |
Without a disability |
76.0% |
76.8% |
78.2% |
80.7% |
Source Citation: U.S. Census Bureau. Census 2000 Sample Characteristics (SF3). From a compilation by the GNO Community Data Center. <http://www.gnocdc.org>
Disabilities by life stage
The data below is broken out into age categories because services for children with disabilities will be different than those for people of working age and, likewise, those past retirement age.
Definitions and source links |
Multiple disabilities by age (2000) |
Gert Town |
Orleans Parish |
Louisiana |
States |
Total civilian noninstitutionalized population 5 to 15 |
554 |
81,524 |
757,341 |
45,133,667 |
With only one type of disability: |
3.4% |
5.5% |
5.5% |
4.6% |
With two or more types of disabilities: |
3.8% |
2.1% |
1.5% |
1.2% |
With no disabilities: |
92.8% |
92.4% |
93.0% |
94.2% |
Total civilian noninstitutionalized population 16 to 20 |
1,306 |
38,047 |
353,374 |
19,555,690 |
With only one type of disability: |
3.9% |
10.4% |
9.7% |
8.8% |
With two or more types of disabilities: |
0.5% |
5.4% |
4.7% |
4.5% |
With no disabilities: |
95.6% |
84.2% |
85.6% |
86.7% |
Total civilian noninstitutionalized population 21 to 64 |
1,851 |
266,436 |
2,445,674 |
159,131,544 |
With only one type of disability: |
19.8% |
12.1% |
11.7% |
10.2% |
With two or more types of disabilities: |
14.2% |
11.5% |
10.4% |
9.0% |
With no disabilities: |
66.0% |
76.4% |
77.9% |
80.8% |
Total civilian noninstitutionalized population 65 years and over |
462 |
54,104 |
489,574 |
33,346,626 |
With only one type of disability: |
27.9% |
21.9% |
21.3% |
20.1% |
With two or more types of disabilities: |
31.4% |
28.2% |
26.8% |
21.8% |
With no disabilities: |
40.7% |
49.9% |
51.9% |
58.1% |
Types of disability by age (2000) |
Gert Town |
Orleans Parish |
Louisiana |
States |
Total civilian noninstitutionalized population 5 to 15 |
554 |
81,524 |
757,341 |
45,133,667 |
Sensory disability |
0.0% |
1.2% |
1.3% |
1.0% |
Physical disability |
3.8% |
1.8% |
1.3% |
1.0% |
Mental disability |
7.2% |
5.8% |
5.5% |
4.6% |
Self-care disability |
3.8% |
1.6% |
1.1% |
0.9% |
Total civilian noninstitutionalized population 16 to 64 |
3,157 |
304,483 |
2,799,048 |
178,687,234 |
Sensory disability |
3.5% |
2.7% |
3.0% |
2.3% |
Physical disability |
8.0% |
7.7% |
7.8% |
6.2% |
Mental disability |
3.7% |
5.1% |
4.7% |
3.8% |
Self-care disability |
2.5% |
2.5% |
2.3% |
1.8% |
Go-outside-home disability |
6.6% |
8.6% |
7.0% |
6.4% |
Employment disability |
13.0% |
13.6% |
12.9% |
11.9% |
Total civilian noninstitutionalized population 65 years and over |
462 |
54,104 |
489,574 |
33,346,626 |
Sensory disability |
16.7% |
15.3% |
16.4% |
14.2% |
Physical disability |
35.1% |
35.0% |
34.3% |
28.6% |
Mental disability |
12.3% |
14.7% |
12.4% |
9.5% |
Self-care disability |
17.5% |
26.6% |
23.7% |
20.4% |
Go-outside-home disability |
39.4% |
14.9% |
13.5% |
10.8% |
Source Citation: U.S. Census Bureau. Census 2000 Sample Characteristics (SF3). From a compilation by the GNO Community Data Center. <http://www.gnocdc.org>
Note: Within each age group, the different types of disabilities will not equal 100% because a single person can have more than one type of disability, and many persons have no disabilities. |
Download this pre-Katrina data for all 73 neighborhoods in Orleans Parish.
Data Tables: People & Household Characteristics, Housing & Housing Costs, Income & Poverty, Transportation, Employment, Educational Attainment, Immigration & Language, Disabilities, Neighborhood Characteristics
Home Pre Katrina Home Orleans Parish Mid-City District Gert Town Data Tables

The Community Data Center website is a product of Greater New Orleans Nonprofit Knowledge Works. Copyright © 2000-2. All Rights Reserved.
Last modified:
July 26, 2006