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Definitions: Parish Immigration & Language

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Immigration status (2000)

Total foreign-born population: All people who were not U.S. citizens at birth. Foreign-born people are those who indicated they were either a U.S. citizen by naturalization or they were not a citizen of the United States.

Recent immigrant (between 1995-2000): The percent of the total foreign-born population that came to live in the United States from 1995 to 2000.

Not recent immigrant (prior to 1995): The percent of the total foreign-born population that came to live in the United States prior to 1995.

English as a second language (2000)
Total population 5 to 17 years: All people from 5 to 17 years old. The age classification is based on the age of the person in complete years as of April 1, 2000.

Native English speaker or speaks English as a second language "well" or "very well": The percent of the total population 5 to 17 years who indicate that they speak only English at home, PLUS respondents who report that they speak a language other than English at home and also indicate that they speak English "Very well," or "Well."

Speaks Spanish at home and speaks English "not well" or "not at all": The percent of the total population 5 to 17 years who indicate that they speak Spanish at home and they indicate they speak English "Not well," or "Not at all."

Speaks other languages at home and speaks English "not well" or "not at all": The percent of the total population 5 to 17 years who indicate that they speak other languages at home and they indicate they speak English "Not well," or "Not at all." Other languages include languages such as French, Yiddish, Polish, Hindi, Gujarati, Japanese, Hmong, Korean, Thai, Navajo, Apache, Cherokee, Hungarian, Arabic, Hebrew, African languages, and unspecified languages

Total population 18 to 64 years: All people 18 to 64 years old. The age classification is based on the age of the person in complete years as of April 1, 2000.

Native English speaker or speaks English as a second language "well" or "very well": The percent of the total population 18 to 64 years who indicate that they speak only English at home, PLUS respondents who report that they speak a language other than English at home and also indicate that they speak English "Very well," or "Well."

Speaks Spanish at home and speaks English "not well" or "not at all": The percent of the total population 18 to 64 years who indicate that they speak Spanish at home and they indicate they speak English "Not well," or "Not at all."

Speaks other languages at home and speaks English "not well" or "not at all": The percent of the total population 18 to 64 years who indicate that they speak other languages at home and they indicate they speak English "Not well," or "Not at all." Other languages include languages such as French, Yiddish, Polish, Hindi, Gujarati, Japanese, Hmong, Korean, Thai, Navajo, Apache, Cherokee, Hungarian, Arabic, Hebrew, African languages, and unspecified languages

Total population 65 years and over: All people 65 years old and older. The age classification is based on the age of the person in complete years as of April 1, 2000.

Native English speaker or speaks English as a second language "well" or "very well": The percent of the total population 65 years and over who indicate that they speak only English at home, PLUS respondents who report that they speak a language other than English at home and also indicate that they speak English "Very well," or "Well."

Speaks Spanish at home and speaks English "not well" or "not at all": The percent of the total population 65 years and over who indicate that they speak Spanish at home and they indicate they speak English "Not well," or "Not at all."

Speaks other languages at home and speaks English "not well" or "not at all": The percent of the total population 65 years and over who indicate that they speak other languages at home and they indicate they speak English "Not well," or "Not at all." Other languages include languages such as French, Yiddish, Polish, Hindi, Gujarati, Japanese, Hmong, Korean, Thai, Navajo, Apache, Cherokee, Hungarian, Arabic, Hebrew, African languages, and unspecified languages

Source links:

U.S. Census Bureau. Census 2000 Sample Characteristics (SF3).
Use 2000 Summary File 3 to make data selections.

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