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Definitions: Parish Health
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Medicaid (2004) |
Eligibles: Persons who qualified for Medicaid, who may or may not have received any type of measurable Medicaid service.
% of population eligible for Medicaid: Represents the percent of persons in the total population who are considered eligible to receive Medicaid services.
Recipients: Persons with reported claims on their behalf during the state fiscal year 2003-04. This does not include Medicaid eligible persons who did not receive a service during the fiscal year.
use in high school seniors (2002) |
graders who... |
...ever tried cigarettes: Percent of 12th graders who responded that they had ever tried cigarettes.
...smoked cigarettes in last 30 days: Percent of 12th graders who responded that they had smoked cigarettes in the last 30 days.
...ever tried alcohol: Percent of 12th graders who responded that they had ever tried alcohol.
...used alcohol in last 30 days: Percent of 12th graders who responded that they had used alcohol in the last 30 days.
...reported binge drinking: Percent of 12th graders who responded that they had drank five or more drinks in a row during the two weeks prior to the survey.
...ever tried marijuana: Percent of 12th graders who responded that they had ever tried marijuana.
...smoked marijuana in last 30 days: Percent of 12th graders who responded that they had used marijuana in the last 30 days.
& child health |
Live births: Number of live births.
Birth rate per 1,000 population: Number of live births per 1,000 persons.
Births to teens 15-19 years: Percent of live births to mothers 15-19 years old.
Low birthweight babies: Percent of babies weighing less than 5 lbs, 8 oz or 2500 grams.
Women receiving adequate prenatal care: Percent of women receiving adequate prenatal care according to modified Kessner index. Prenatal care is defined as adequate if the first prenatal visit occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy and if the total number of visits was appropriate to the gestational age of the baby at birth.
Infant mortality rate per 1,000 births: The number of deaths to children under one year of age per 1,000 live births. Infant mortality encompasses all deaths that occur within the first year of life and excludes fetal death (miscarriages and abortions).
% Up-to-date immunization (2003): Percent of children 19-35 months old whom were up-to-date (4 diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis-DTP, 3-polop-OPV, 1 measles, mumps, rubellaMMR) at age 24 months in 2003.
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July 26, 2006