Copyright & Acceptable Use

The Data Center is a web site for the “public good,” and the information in this web site is designed to be easily used and linked to. In order to keep this resource freely, publicly available, we have a basic policy about copyright and fair use.



If you have questions about this policy, please e–mail


Copyright permissions we’ve received


We relied heavily on images from other sources on the Internet to illustrate our neighborhood snapshots. In all cases, we made reasonable attempts to request permission from the copyright–holder. If you believe we have mistakenly attributed ownership of an image, please contact us at and we will rectify the situation.


Acceptable use of this web site


Visitors to this web site are welcome to use the web site for any lawful and ethical purpose. Using the web or mail server to relay unlawful, obscene, threatening, abusive, libelous, or slanderous content, links or computer programs is not authorized. The web site is monitored for signs of unauthorized use. Any activity deemed to be unauthorized will be acted on appropriately by The Data Center staff and/or our server hosting provider.