Anissa Hyde, BS

Data Analyst

Anissa is The Data Center’s Data Analyst bringing with her an interest in Louisiana’s integrated environmental issues including flooding, environmental justice, urban ecology, and coastal protection. Before working at the Data Center, Anissa completed a Bachelor of Science in Natural Resource Ecology and Management with a concentration in Conservation Biology at Louisiana State University. During her studies, Anissa gained a knowledge base in applied natural resource policy and management focusing on Louisiana.

Anissa was accepted into the Environmental Science master’s program at Louisiana State University’s College of the Coast and Environment. At LSU, Anissa worked as a research assistant where she engineered core data to measure population response to major hurricanes in the Southeast. Her master’s research focuses on localized indicators of flood exposure in the Southeast region. Her thesis describes a novel technique using flood insurance coverage to help explain neighborhood-level flood exposure patterns. Anissa also interned with the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority’s Outreach and Engagement Department, where she educated various visitors at the Center for River Studies on the history of coastal land loss in Louisiana as well as the Lower Mississippi River Physical Model, one of the largest movable bed physical models of its kind in the world. Anissa also served two years as a mentor for Louisiana Sea Grant’s Environmentors Program where she guided local Baton Rouge high school students through the scientific method to successfully execute a research project and poster.


